310717 Design Consistency

Q. What is 'Design Consistency'?

NOT finish

According to the Cousins(2016), "design consistency will able to make design better, easier to use, and practically invisible for a webpage". Moreover, consistency can tie elements together in design

 For that reason, the meaning of design consistency can be deduced by harmony, simplication and clear.

 Yale University School of Art(2016) online, available from http://art.yale.edu/, accessed 31st July 2017

In contrast, the website shows an example of 'Inconsistency website'. 
Even though the website is related to school of art, their design consistency is awful. 
Through the webpage, a lot of distracting factors can be found, such as the video of background, not clear layout, tiny font size, unsuitable colours and so on.

Inconsistency of design makes user confused, and increasing user-unfriendly.

Cousins, C (2016) 7 Tips for Designing Consistency, design shake, 13 July, available from  https://designshack.net/articles/graphics/7-tips-for-designing-consistency, accessed 31st July 2017


  1. Good start, through your research in class you found a very interesting website to analyse for consistency & inconsistency.
    You can also think how you will use this on your own website to ensure it is consistent throughout as your digital portfolio.


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