050717 Designer Website -01
During the class, to make my portfolio website, I searched a well made designer's website.
The website is called 'hugomiguelsousa', and I found an interesting feature.
Even though those are same website, there is a slight difference in format and it depends on which browser you use.
WEBSITE: www.hugomiguelsousa.com
This is a screen shot of the website on Google Crome. It is little difficult to see the difference through that screen shot, when I use Google Crome, the effect of two cats can be seen floating in space. This effect is called "Interactive Design" and this meaning is "the design of the interaction between users and products, and the products tend to be software products like apps or websites"
( Teo. S (2017)What is Interaction Design? [Online] Interactive Design Foundation. Available from: https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/what-is-interaction-design. accessed 5th July 2017)
However, when I use Internet Explorer, I cannot see that effect. The two cats do not floating. They are just fixed on the screen.
WEBSITE: http://www.theworldsworstwebsiteever.com/
Meanwhile, I also searched one of terrible websites.
This websit is called the worst website in the world.
As it can be seen above the screen shot, this website was used too much different font types and looks very messy. Moreover, I do not understand the aim of that website.
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